Dear Home Sellers

Dear Home Sellers,

As potential buyers, we wanted to share some insights on what makes a home truly appealing to us. Many of us are first-time buyers, and it doesn't take much to make us nervous about a property. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Focus on the Worst Room First

  • Identify the least appealing room in your house (often the basement, utility room, or laundry room) and make it as clean and inviting as possible

  • De-clutter, paint, organize, and don't forget to remove cobwebs

  • Focusing on improving the worst room is the most efficient way to increase the overall appeal of your home

Cleanliness is Key

  • We cannot stress this enough: clean, clean, clean!

  • Channel your most obsessively tidy friend and maintain that level of cleanliness until your house sells

  • A spotless home is one of the most important factors in attracting buyers, and it costs nothing but time and effort

Act "As If"

  • Imagine that the next buyer to walk through your door has narrowed their choice down to your house and one other

  • The cleanest, least cluttered, most move-in ready house will almost always win

  • Adopt an "all in" mindset and act as if you know your house will sell if you follow your Realtor's recommendations

  • This mindset will motivate you to go the extra mile with painting, updates, repairs, and decluttering

Be the Seller Who Goes Above and Beyond

  • Any repairs, updates, painting, and cleaning will have to be done by either you or the buyer

  • If you're not willing to put in this work, why should a buyer be expected to?

  • Remember, you're competing with other properties whose sellers are going the extra mile to impress buyers

  • Don't let your competition outshine you on the factors you can control

Assume All Buyers Are Savvy

  • Thanks to the availability of buyer agents (at no cost to the buyer), even if a buyer seems inexperienced, their agent likely isn't

  • Prepare your home with the assumption that you're selling to knowledgeable, discerning buyers

Every Detail Matters

  • Follow all the steps your Realtor recommends, because you never know which detail will sway a buyer

  • Agents often see buyers choose one property over another for seemingly irrational reasons

  • Maximize your chances by giving buyers every possible reason to fall in love with your home

The Care You Show Reflects the Care You've Taken

  • The level of care and attention evident in the visible parts of your home is a buyer's best indicator of how well you've maintained the less visible aspects

  • As buyers, we're about to make the largest investment of our lives; don't make us feel uneasy with loose knobs, scuffed walls, or other signs of neglect

We hope these insights help you understand our perspective and priorities as buyers. By focusing on cleanliness, repairs, and staging, you'll make your home infinitely more appealing to those of us searching for our dream home.

Sincerely, Your Potential Buyers


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